National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM) denounces Andrew Yeoman (Andrew White)

Above : Andrew Yeoman/White looks worse for wear after having an encounter with critics on May Day, 2010.

In an unexpected development, the ‘National-Anarchist Movement’ – a/k/a Troy Southgate – has denounced ‘BANANA’ – a/k/a Andrew Yeoman (a/k/a Andrew White) – for crimes against national anarchism. The denouncement comes on the eve of another desperate publicity stunt by BANANA, and is likely to have sent virtual shockwaves through the literally dozens, if not scores, of keyboard commandos who make up the national anarchist milieu.

Writing on the N-AM site last week, Southgate has accused Yeoman/White of having been bought off by authorities, of being authoritarian, sexually promiscuous, “psychologically unstable” and – on a somewhat worrying note – of being “in possession of a large number of firearms”. Southgate has also denounced White’s latest publicity stunt, which involves the BANANAs jumping on the coat tails of fellow bizarros in ‘Stand Up America’. The group’s leader, Christian fundamentalist Pastor Terry Jones, plans to burn a copy of the Koran outside the Islamic Center of America, in Dearborn (a heavily Muslim city), and the BANANAs – or Yeoman/White at least – want to bask in the reflective glow.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


It might interest some of you to know that Andrew Yeoman was recently investigated by the U.S. Secret Service for making a juvenile online threat against Obama. Judging by the negative and embarrassing publicity which has been emanating from the BANA camp over the last few months – as well as the fact that he turned up at the American Renaissance conference around the same time and then declined to testify against anti-fascists at his recent assault trial – he has clearly been bought off. Meanwhile, several of his former friends and associates have informed me that he expelled people from his group for not agreeing with his racial views and then boasted to a former landlord about various conquests with non-whites, whom he described as ‘concubines’. He also had a relationship with an anorexic Jewish girl he picked up from a website called Craigslist and went around telling everyone that they were having sex without a condom. Yeoman is also said to be psychologically unstable and is in possession of a large number of firearms.
Posted by Anarcho-Anglo at 11:52

Sunday, 10 April 2011


The National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM) wishes to disassociate itself from the recent decision by the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) to stage a ‘Burn the Koran’ event on 22nd April 2011. Not only is this tactic extremely counter-productive, it also runs contrary to the free-thinking ethos of National-Anarchism itself. Indeed, we can hardly complain if our own spiritual, cultural and ethnic identity is attacked and denigrated if we are willing to do the same to others. Indeed, by seeking to antagonise Muslims through the destruction of the Qur’an, apparently because of the possibility that Islam will “be implemented all across the globe including our homelands through force of violence if necessary”, BANA is ignoring the fact that only a minority of Muslims – most notably the aggressive Wahhabi sect, which is denounced by millions of Sunni and Shi’a Muslims alike – actually believe in pursuing such a strategy. Furthermore, despite the fact that the N-AM does not welcome the presence of Muslim immigrants in Europe, we believe that the Islamic religion is far more diverse than the blood-drenched hypocrites in London and Washington would like us to believe and that a more sensible approach would be to build links with Muslim communities in order to establish common ground. Not with the more unreasonable elements, of course, but with those who also have an aversion to Zionism, International Finance and the New World Order.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there”. – Rumi

6 responses to “National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM) denounces Andrew Yeoman (Andrew White)

  1. I have not perused your entire site, but stumbled upon it while researching. So from what I am seeing, you are not in any way a white nationalist or self-described race-conscious as part of what you are doing, correct? At first glance it is unclear whether you are repudiating Yeoman et al for not living up to anarchist standards, if that is not oxymoronic in and of itself- or if you are trying to pit WNs against him for this ‘he said/she said’ stuff, or both, or both + something else.
    Though I have ideological differences with his approach …meaning I probably am a black-wearing fascist- and do not know AY on a personal level- I have met him at various occasions and the descriptors ‘authoritarian’ and/or ‘fascist’ are not terms that come to mind. I have also met some of what are probably by now ex-BANAs, and again, while I do not suppose that I would make a good anarchist myself, I found the people I met within his group and branches off his group likable, unassuming and again, not authoritarian.

  2. “…you are not in any way a white nationalist or self-described race-conscious as part of what you are doing, correct?”


    “At first glance it is unclear whether you are repudiating Yeoman et al for not living up to anarchist standards, if that is not oxymoronic in and of itself- or if you are trying to pit WNs against him for this ‘he said/she said’ stuff, or both, or both + something else.”

    The blog is intended to repudiate claims to anarchism by ‘national anarchists’. The tensions that exist within the white nationalist movement (of which Yeoman/White is a part) exist irrespective of this purpose. Troy Southgate- the chief ‘national anarchist’ ideologue- is responsible for his own commentary on White/Yeoman and his fitness to assume the ‘national anarchist’ mantle and whatever allegations he has made with regards Yeoman/White’s mental state/political acumen.

    “…I have met him at various occasions and the descriptors ‘authoritarian’ and/or ‘fascist’ are not terms that come to mind. I have also met some of what are probably by now ex-BANAs, and again, while I do not suppose that I would make a good anarchist myself, I found the people I met within his group and branches off his group likable, unassuming and again, not authoritarian.”

    That’s OK- you’re certainly free to develop your own opinions regarding the gentlemanly conduct of White/Yeoman. This blog is less concerned with the personal behavioral dispositions of the BANANAs than it is conducting a political critique from an anarchist perspective.

  3. Pingback: Anti-National Translation | National Anarchist!

  4. Pingback: NATA-NY not welcome in New York | National Anarchist!

  5. “This blog is less concerned with the personal behavioral dispositions of the BANANAs than it is conducting a political critique from an anarchist perspective.”

    I cannot speak for BANA (which I believe is defunct) or N-AM as a whole, but what I can say is that there are numerous strands of anarchism, as you are probably aware. Anarcho- mutualism, syndicalism, primitivism, collectivism, communism and capitalism (also referred to as market anarchism, or left wing market anarchism for the center for a stateless society’s version) come to mind.

    You repudiate National Anarchism’s claim to anarchy, but why? Let me provide a general definition of anarchism from merriam-webster:

    “a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups”

    Now, let me quote a paragraph from the national anarchist manifesto:

    “Our vision, in a nutshell, is one of small village-communities in which people occupy their own space in which to live in accordance with their own principles. These principles depend on the nature of the people forming the community in the first place, because the last thing we wish to do is impose a rigid or dogmatic system of any kind. In theory, therefore, National-Anarchists can be Christian or pagan, farmers or artisans, heterosexual or homosexual. The important thing, however, is for National-Anarchist communities to be self-sufficient. They should also be mutualist, rather than coercive. In other words, people should be free to come and go at all times. If you are unhappy with the unifying principle of one National-Anarchist community, then simply relocate to another. On the other hand, communities must be respectful of their neighbours and be prepared to defend themselves from outsiders.”

    I don’t see any incompatibility here. In fact, to say that national anarchists aren’t anarchists after reading that paragraph shows that you lack reading comprehension skills.

  6. ramon mercader's favourite axe

    Poor old Chase is just scared of black people and his own latent homosexuality. And he’s trying to make sense of it all through the prism of National Anarchism. It’s like a sort of dysfunctional self-help group for closet racists and homophobes. But not anarchists Chase, sorry…

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